Searching for a Toxicologist/Risk Assessor

bmckee at aerotek.com bmckee at aerotek.com
Tue Dec 1 14:39:21 EST 1998

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Environmental and infrastructure engineering
company  is seeking a senior toxicologist/risk
assessor.  The positions requires a minimum of 10
years of experience in consulting and advanced
degrees (Ph D.) are preferred.  The positions will
involve growing and managing our risk services for
the geographic area and include both technical and
business development goals.  Responsibilities will
include marketing, strategy development, proposal
and report writing, project management, and client
and agency negotiations.  Candidates must have
expertise in human health risk assessment as
applied to RCRA, CERCLA, and various state
regulatory programs.  Litigation support and
expert testimony experience is a plus.  Experience
in ecological risk assessment is also desirable.
Successful candidates will be recognized technical
experts with proven business development skills
and be able to work well within a team.

We are looking for a person who is interested in a
permanent position, and the office is located in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  There will be some travel
in the area to help to develop business/accounts.

800-669-3960 and speak to Paul Hyde or BJ McKee,
of FAX you resume to 504/733-6813.  Thanks!

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title:          Senior Technical Recruiter
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