DNA-editing under Windows

Don Gilbert gilbertd at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu
Thu Jun 27 21:25:55 EST 1996

If you have't yet looked at seqpup, you may want to.  It is
free.  There will be a significant update(*) to it by this Sunday.
Available from ftp://iubio.bio.indiana.edu/molbio/seqpup/ and
various european & japanese mirror sites.  Seqpup works on
mswin (32 or 16 bit), mac (ppc or 68k), unix (solaris, sgi, dec, linux).

-- don

(*) update to version 0.6 includes
network access to gcg and other biocomputing applications on
servers; autosequencer base calling and assembly; lots of bug fixes
and improvements.  major new features are in preliminary stages.

-- d.gilbert--biocomputing--indiana u--bloomington--gilbertd at bio.indiana.edu

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