Martin Pion mpion at ARTSCI.WUSTL.EDU
Thu Jun 27 12:44:24 EST 1996

Hi Xavier,

You can obtain a nice shareware program called GIFConverter, which I'm
using to help create a web page for a not-for-profit group.

It's written by Kevin Mitchell and you can e-mail him for details at
kam at mcs.net. You can download a copy free and try it for 15 days to
evaluate before deciding whether or not to buy it. The minimum cost is $30.
I think it's worth it.

Martin Pion [Biosoft]

At 9:56 AM 6/27/96, Xavier Cousin wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>I'm looking for a freeware for MAC that convert PICT (or PICT2) to GIF files.
>Thanks a lot.
>Xavier Cousin           xcousin at pasteur.fr
>Unite des Venins        tel : (33 1) 45 68 86 30
>Institut Pasteur        fax : (33 1) 40 61 30 57
>25 rue du Dr Roux
>75724 Paris cedex 15

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