formatting a sequence translation...

Preston Garrison garrisonp at uthscsa.edu
Wed Jun 26 01:00:03 EST 1996

In Article <4qpu6r$c6u at nntp1.best.com>, jquinn at nntp.best.com (Greg) wrote:
>Does anyone know of a shareware program that will let you translate a
>nucleotide sequence and have full control over the output (eg. line
>length, how the lines are numbered etc.
>Any help much welcome.
>Thanks in advance!

DNAdraw for Mac will do it I think, although I haven't used that function
myself. Available at 

Preston Garrison
garrisonp at uthscsa.edu
Biochem. Dept.
Univ of Texas Health Sci Ctr
San Antonio, Tx 78284-7760 USA

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