Which platform?

Mike Irwin bio-rad at inlink.com
Tue Jun 18 20:15:04 EST 1996

In article <31C56361.7EC4 at ibex.ca>, Achim Recktenwald <achim at ibex.ca> wrote:

> Since he is posting in bionet.software, I assume he's interested in
software for bioscience. 
> In this area, except for molecular biology software, there is
unfortunately almost nothing 
> available for the Mac.

I would argue that there is quite a bit of Mac software out there. I just
finished hosting booths at the ASM and ASBMB meetings, and most of the
bigger vendors there were supporting Mac software. These included us
(Bio-Rad), Beckton-Dickenson, Rainin, etc.

Some of the software I saw wer for:

- Gel imaging and quantitation
- RFLP/Fingerprinting/Strain typing
- 2D analysis
- Sequence calling and analysis
- Microplate analysis
- PCR primer design
- Chromatography 

Other software I've seen elsewhere include Filemaker-based strain
cataloging, reference management, lab management, and National
Diagnostics' data acquisition software and hardware. 

So as not to make this a religious statement, I'll also say that I saw PC
versions of most this stuff too (but not always).
Cheers, Mike Irwin

PS. Keep an open mind but don't let the wind blow freely thru it.

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