Java-powered Netscape 2.02, How?

Claude Aflalo aflaloc at BGUMAIL.BGU.AC.IL
Wed Jun 19 09:02:33 EST 1996

On Mon, 17 Jun 1996, Marcel TURCOTTE wrote:

> The release notes of Netscape 3.0 b3 say that the work for Java
> support on the 68k machines is in progress.
> There is a site dedicated to Macintosh and Java
> 	http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~mcrae/projects/macjava/
> If your mac has a 68030 or better processor you could have a look at
> the JDK environment, but this might be a killer,
> Good luck,
> Marcel

Hello Marcel,
Thanks for the lead,
I tried everything with Netscape 2.02. It definitely is not (and probably 
can't be) Java powered on a 68K Mac (LCII 68030) as advertized, even with 
JDK (1.0.2) installed.
Moreover, JDK's "standalone" applications cannot work "as is" on my mac, 
in spite it fulfills the minimal requirements as advertized on the 
Javasoft site. A fast look at the Readme files in the JDK package 
indicate that it might work after recompiling everything (every 
standalone application).
The Java applets work within Netscape 3.0b4, however it is very slow, and 
do not always come to completion (the system freezes).
I'll try to live with this...

Claude Aflalo ######################### Phones: Office 972-7-472118 ####
Dept. of Life Sciences				Lab    972-7-472119
Ben Gurion University of the Negev	 **New**Fax    972-7-472890
P.O.Box 653				email:  aflaloc at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Beer Sheva 84105 Israel	       URL: http://www.bgu.ac.il/life/aflalo.html

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