Which platform?

Emmanuel Skoufos skoufs at minerva.cis.yale.edu
Wed Jun 19 14:36:35 EST 1996

On 19 Jun 1996, Vid Strpic wrote:

> Matthew Lyon wrote:
> : >    I'm a freshman biochem. major trying to decide what route to go, PC or
> : > PowerMac. I only have about four grand to spend - Which platform has a
> : > better selection of software that would for me? I'm on an old borrowed Mac
> : > 660AV right now, but learning DOS and Windows is not beyond me at all,
> : > because I'm very technically oriented.
> : >    Also, which platform would inferface better with a workstation, to
> : > utilize those high-powered apps.?
> Buy a PC with Linux. Linux is an Unix, far more stable and secure than
> either DOS/Win or MacOS. Btw, you can still run DOS and Windows software on
> it, if you cannot find a version to compile for Linux itself.

If you can wait a bit (6-9 months), the new PPCP models of Macintosh 
would probably make the question of the "platform" obsolete.  On the same 
computer (using *one* processor- powerPC based) one can run MacOS, Unix, 
and WindowsNT.  This way, since you are more familiar with the Mac 
interface, you can do most of the jobs on MacOS and for the few things 
you may need Unix or Windows you can easily (via software) access these OSs.
Another advantage of the PPCP is that you don't need "dual" memory 
modules for separate processors that run separate OSs.  

Just my 2c,


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