Which platform?

Ashok Aiyar aiyar at ebv.oncology.wisc.edu
Wed Jun 19 15:22:41 EST 1996

On Wed, 19 Jun 1996 15:36:35 -0400, Emmanuel Skoufos <skoufs at minerva.cis.yale.edu> wrote:
>If you can wait a bit (6-9 months), the new PPCP models of Macintosh 
>would probably make the question of the "platform" obsolete.  

You can currently run MacOS, two flavors of Unix (MachTen and Linux),
and DOS/Windows 3.1/Windows 95 on *existing* powerpcs.  You may even
be able to run AIX - I am not sure.  So why wait six months?

>Another advantage of the PPCP is that you don't need "dual" memory 
>modules for separate processors that run separate OSs.  

I have no idea what you mean here.  I can currently run umpteen
different OSes on my PC (DOS, WindowsNT, OS/2, Linux, FreeBSD/NetBSD,
Solaris x86 etc. etc. etc.) all using the same processor and memory.

Ashok Aiyar, Ph.D.                    aiyar at ebv.oncology.wisc.edu
Department of Oncology            University of Wisconsin-Madison

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for 
reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."    -- Albert Einstein

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