Which platform?

Richard P. Grant rpgrant at molbiol.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 19 09:05:29 EST 1996

In article <31C56361.7EC4 at ibex.ca>, Achim Recktenwald <achim at ibex.ca> writes:
> Since he is posting in bionet.software, I assume he's interested in 
software for bioscience. 
> In this area, except for molecular biology software, there is unfortunately 
almost nothing 
> available for the Mac.  

Squeeze me?
How many programs does any one want to use?  What sort of software do you 

Granted there is about twice as much software for PC across the board, but 
when you consider that this means you will end up *not* using 24,000 PC apps 
versus *not* using 12,000 Mac apps, I think you realize the comparison is 

> Besides, I hate having to choose between Excel and nothing else, between 
Word and almost 
> nothing else. There are some bugs in the Mac-version of MS-office since 

All your arguments say is that you have not looked anywhere for any software.

Richard P. Grant MA DPhil      rpgrant at molbiol.ox.ac.uk
Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford.

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