Dear bionetters,
this is to announce the presence of a new
sequence alerting server that allows you,
on a daily basis, to get alerted if a new relative
of your favoured sequence appears in any protein sequence
database. You can customise the homology search parameters
that are used to check the daily updates of the major
protein sequence databases and will be informed immediately by
The advantages of this system:
- password protection (password specified by the user) that garantees
security of the sequences to be stored (includes a mechanism to
obtain the password that you forgot)
- daily searches
- search of all major protein sequence databases by blastp/blastx
- customisation of parameters for the searches according to your
We hope to offer also motif and profile searches for sequence families
in the near future.
The MEDLINE alert (Luca Toldo) can be only offered to EMBL members for
license reasons.
We woulf be happy to get feedback from you
Hedvig Hegyi, Jianmei Lai & Peer Bork
69012 Heidelberg