MELT87 / MELT95 wanted.

Shelley Cole shelley at DARWIN.SFBR.ORG
Sat Jun 15 14:31:22 EST 1996

Dear Hans,

I received the Melt programs (MELT87 and additional programs) from 
Dr. Leonard Lerman (and his scientific systems programmer, William Fripp).
In June of 1993, they were working at:
	Massachusetts Institute of Technology
	Dept. of Biology
	77 Massachusetts Ave.
	Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

They charged $25.
Hope this helps,

On Fri, 14 Jun 1996, Hans Engkvist wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a program called MELT87, or it's successor MELT95, which
> is used for calculating properties of DNA and conditions in denaturing
> gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). I cannot find it in software
> archives, although I think it is shareware. Are there any similar programs
> available?
> Thanks in advance for any hint, help or advise,
> Hans Engkvist  /  hans.engkvist at medgen.uu.se

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