Software on Mac

Robin Beech robin_beech at maclan.mcgill.ca
Fri Jun 14 12:15:27 EST 1996

In article <31C15FAF.4229 at bms.com>, watson_j at bms.com wrote:

> I don't know what Oxford's Policy is regarding additional EVE keys for
an existing 
> registered program, but Kodak used to sell an additional key for
$300-400.  This 
> means you can run a single licensed copy on two computers (one in the
office, one in 
> the lab).  Of course, no one would be so dishonest as to use this as a
means around 
> incredibly expensive software pricing.  Would one?

I believe they have thought of that one! One registered copy with one key
costs something like $3500, an extra Eve key costs about $300 but you
can't get a third key without another $3500 license fee. Only two keys per
package unfortunately. If you could get up to 4-5 keys before having to
spend another $3500 it might make the cost a bit more reasonable for large
groups. On the other hand it would tend to penalize groups who only wanted
1-2 keys. As far as I can tell almost all the DNA packages are protected
by this kind of key system, maybe that's why they are so expensive. Or
should that be the other way around? ;-)

Robin Beech
Institute of Parasitology
McGill University

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