Vector NTi, Cloneworks and others...

broveak at slip.net broveak at slip.net
Wed Jun 12 23:41:48 EST 1996

Has anyone tried Vector Director?  The company who offers this is called
GeneCraft and they have a WWW site, although I don't know the address.  It
is on the Mac.


In article <31B2A9AF.5273 at sgi.celgen.kuleuven.ac.be>, Przemko
<przemko at sgi.celgen.kuleuven.ac.be> wrote:

> Hi!
> this is a second posting, it seems that our server has swallowed the 
> first one without sending it out...
> I have tried demos of Cloneworks (the WORSE prgram for cloning and
> plasmid drawing that I have seen for win95) and Vector NTi. The latter
> is a lot better (and cheaper I think) but the common denominator for
> both of them is that they are EXTREMELY UNINTUITIVE, low on user
> friendliness and therefore rather difficult to learn.
> My question is this:
> having WIN95 machines, what is out there that I could use (pay- share-
> or freeware) that would be user friendly, intuitive (preferably written
> by people who clone not by people who write programs) and is not a whole
> package like DNAStar etc.
> ThanX for the info, I will summarize the answers (if any)
> Przemko

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