ANNOUNCE : DBWatcher 1.0 available

Fr=?big5?B?6WTpcmljIFBMRVdOSUFLIDxwbGV3bmlha0BpZ2JtYy51LXN0cmFzYmcuZnI+?= at ciril.fr Fr=?big5?B?6WTpcmljIFBMRVdOSUFLIDxwbGV3bmlha0BpZ2JtYy51LXN0cmFzYmcuZnI+?= at ciril.fr
Thu Jun 13 16:42:29 EST 1996

Hello Bionetters,

It has become  vitally important  for molecular biologists to be able to rapidly
identify new sequences similar to theirs.   Database searching programs  such as
BLAST are very useful in this regard,  but, with the  vast amount of data  being
produced, doing searches and  browsing rather  bulky result files to find  novel
similarities is a very tedious task which must be  repeated over and over again,
ideally  as soon as  new sequences have been  incorporated into the  database of

Honestly, haven't you ever dreamt that someone would keep the watch for you? 

That's exactly what DBWatcher can do for you when run daily : 

		1) Search a database for similarities to your sequence(s)
                   when there has been an update since last search. 

		2) Browse results to find novel similarities.

		3) Send these novel similarities by e-mail to you and/or
                   your colleagues and collaborators.

And if you do  not have a  direct access to  BLAST programs and databases, don't
worry.  You may ask a  colleague or a  collaborator to run DBWatcher for you and
you'll automatically receive the results in your e-mail box.  And your colleague
doesn't even have to receive the results if he doesn't want to.  This might suit
well a local area network with a server dedicated to sequence analysis or even a
BLAST searches  e-mail or WWW server  (why not? is anybody interested in setting 
one up?).

At the moment, DBWatcher jobs can only be managed by hand or with  SetDBWatcher,
which  takes care of  everything in a  very user-friendly way thanks to its GUI.
SetDBWatcher is distributed along with DBWatcher and  requires the  Vibrant NCBI
ToolKit and Motif libraries.

>From the  administrator's point of view, as  DBWatcher can be run as a  cron job
during slack periods it allows a more even redistribution of CPU usage. 
Furthermore,  as it does  not perform  unecessary searches by  checking the time
stamps of  database,  sequences,  configuration and last result files, DBWatcher
reduces CPU usage compared to a systematic search. 

It is also possible to  control the  maximum number of  simultaneous searches by
limiting the  number of  users authorized to run  DBWatcher since results can be
sent to  any e-mail address in the world,  independantly of the user responsible
for running the program, and searches for one user are performed sequentially.  

If you are interested in getting your own copy of DBWatcher you can download the
compressed archive at the following URL :


At the moment, I could only test DBWatcher on a  Sparc 1000E running Solaris 2.5
with GCG versions of BLAST programs.
I would be glad to hear from any installation on or port to any other config.


Strasbourg - FRANCE

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