cathyom at TIAC.COM ("Catherine O'Malley") wrote:
>Do you know of shareware or freeware that could assist biochemists,
>molecular biologists or pharmacologists? If so, please tell me how this
>software can be obtained. I am constructing a home page to facilitate
>the efforts of working scientists who want to locate tools for common
>tasks. Links to purely educational software would also be appreciated.
>At this time, I am only interested software that can be run under
>Thanks a lot. Your response will help fellow researchers save valuable
>time. It's amazing what can be accomplished if we help one another!
>Catherine McKeon-O'Malley
Look for a page called : "Pedro's Biomolecular Research Tools" with
Lycos, Excite, or any websearch tool. If you don't find it send me a
mail, I'll dig it out for you.
Adrian Kornhauser