Video from microscope to Mac

john haynie haynie at uno.cc.geneseo.edu
Wed Jun 5 11:16:35 EST 1996


I tried out an application called QuickSnap which does exactly what 
you require.  I include the README from that application.  Although 
it refers to a QuickCam, I found that it would work with any camera 
attached to the video port of an AV board.  

I wasn't able to get into the utoronto server to check if the 
application is still there.  You might try archie.

Here is the README.

Hope this helps.

QuickSnap 0.9.5

A cool application for your connectix quickcam !

QuickSnap is a time-lapse and still image photography application 
for use with a Connectix QuickCam. It can save
images directly as JPEG's files and also features automatic exposure 
with spot metering. This means you can make time-lapse movies of 
flowers opening under real world lighting conditions !!!

New Features 0.9:

	€ New windowing structure allows multiple photo's.
	€ The viewfinder window does not need to be foremost.
	€ You can copy picture to the desk scrap from the viewfinder.
	€ Can grab pictures while in the background !
	€ Time Stamping option

New Features 0.9.5:

	€ Much Better Movie Recording Options
	€ If you Quit while recording the Movie will be saved.
	€ Single Frame Recording.

QuickSnap is shareware. If you use this program, the fee is 
US$25.00.  You will receive a registration code which will turn on 
various cool features like "JPEG comments" and Pausing & Single 
Frame Recording of Time Lapse Movies. Oh yeah, it will also 
customise the application. Send the registration fee to
Tim Molteno,
P.O. Box 1220, 
NJ 08542-1220
Hey, if you really can't afford it, just send me a postcard, or 
email me a JPEG as an attachment to a
"thank you for writing this software" note 
(tim at jurgen.physics.utoronto.ca).

The latest version and updates, information e.t.c. are available 
from the world wide web site 

System Requirements.
Connectix QuickCam (installed)
System 7.1 or later.
68020 or higher processor.
QuickTime 2.0 & Multimedia Tuner

The multimedia tuner is available from ftp.support.apple.com and 
makes things work heaps better.
I used Metrowerks Codewarrior 5 to write this application on a 
Powerbook Duo 4/200 with RamDoubler
and I used Infinity Windoid 2.6 for the Info window WDEF routines.

QuickSnap is copyright © Tim Molteno 1994-95. All rights reserved.

Peter Kulmburg wrote:
> Dear collegues,
> I am using videoshop 3.0.2.D on a power PC 7500 with sytem D1-7.5.2. to
> take shots of my cells when moving towards a cytokine source.
> Unfortunately, the cells migrate very slowly and I would like to take a
> photo only every minute or so.
>        However, I am not able to do slow motion movies below 1 picture per
> second. If I try it, the program cancels with error #4. To run it proper
> again I have to discharge the preferences in the system folder. The apple
> dealer and the avid-hotline were unable to help me. Is there anybody who
> has a solution for this problem or knows a program suitable for my
> experiments?
> Thank you for your help         Peter
> Peter KULMBURG        at home  Tel./Fax:+49 761 80 84 39
> at work:    Tel.: +49 761 270/7208 or 7207        Fax: /7217

John Haynie             |  haynie at uno.cc.geneseo.edu
Biology Dept/SUNY       |  http://darwin.bio.geneseo.edu/
Geneseo, NY 14454-1401  |

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