Help needed with MS Excel badly!

Tongjia Yin tjyin at bio.indiana.edu
Sat Jun 1 20:16:38 EST 1996

I assume that you use Excel 5 or above.  Just use PivotTable under the menu Data.  Your task is 
the basic functioin of it.

Tongjia Yin

Joe Koeniger wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem with MS Excel.  It's hard to explain what I want, so I'll
> give you an example..
> I have one column with names (most appear more than once), and about 3 columns
> of data:
>      A            B         C          D
> 1 Bob Barker     10         20        30
> 2 Forrest Gump   43        54       234
> 3 Bob Barker    32400       344      5432
> 4 Bob Barker     2320        32      3421
> 5 Forrest Gump     32       237      1239
> 6- More names
> Ok, now I need to sort them by name, add all the totals of the B's, the C's,
> and the D's into the first row with the name (i.e. row 1 with all the totals
> for bob barker, and row two with all the totals for forrest). Then I need to
> delete all the lines for the person _but_ the first one with all the totals.
> So, the final output would be
>      A                 B                    C                     D
> 1 Bob Barker  (Total of the three)  (Total of the three)  (Total of the three)
> 2 Forrest     (Total of the three)  (Total of the three)  (Total of the three)
> 3- More names sorted.
> Right now I am doing this manually, but I have over 1000 lines in this one
> file, which is about 176k.  I also have some files that are over 2 meg, which
> would be impossible for me to do manually.
> I would _GREATLY_ appreciate any help, and please reply to my e-mail address.
> Either koeniger at mail.ameritel.net or preferrably jkoeniger.paxr at veda.com.
> Thanks,
> Joe Koeniger
> jkoeniger.paxr at veda.com

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