Simple text editor for mac wanted.

Patrick Weix weix at netcom.com
Wed May 31 11:19:58 EST 1995

(Dave Johnston) <daj at mailserver.nhm.ac.uk> writes:

>I am looking for a basic (freeware) text editor for the Mac with cut, copy, 
>paste, find, exchange etc type functions but it must be (a) 100% 
>reliable) and (b) capable of handling very big data files (too large for 
>simpletext/teachtext). We have Word6 but would prefer something less 
>lumbering. Any suggestions.

There are several available. The best IMHO are Alpha ($25 shareware)
and BBEdit (which comes in the free "lite" form and a shareware form).
They will do what you want and more, and both are very stable. I like
Alpha because it has drag-and-drop and comes with support for many
programming languages and LaTeX. I have used it to open and edit 5 MB
text databases. Alpha will also let you search every file in a given
directory for text strings. Many of the key combos are identical to
the common EMACS ones. But I digress.

  "The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."
 					Tom Waits
 | Patrick Weix                                               |
 | UT Southwestern Medical Center                             |
 | 5323 Harry Hines Blvd               weix at netcom.com        |
 | Dallas, TX 75235                    weix at utsw.swmed.edu    |

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