General Bio Software

Will McQueen wmcqueen at infolane.com
Mon May 29 02:34:47 EST 1995

Hello, all!

   My name is Will McQueen and my college has just received a grant to
start a biology learning lab.  In this lab there will (tentatively) be a
486 IBM running a general biology program that (hopefully) will correlate
well with the book ("Biology - by Campbell, 3rd ed.).  So now we just need
the software.
   I'd like to pick your cyberbrains and ask you if you've come across
such a program.  Ideally, it would have movies and a hypertext-type
set-up.  Students will be able to run a "Fetal Pig" module in preparation
for the fetal pig lab the following week.  It would display movies showing
the correct procedure to dissect.  Or students could be reading the
computer text and click on a word that would hilight the corresponding
anatomy in the picture.
   Any ideas?  This is the only newsgroup I could find where this type of
posting would be appropriate.  Do you know of any others?  WWW sites,
perhaps?  FTP?  Anything.  Thanks!

Inquisitively yours,

Will McQueen
wmcqueen at infolane.com

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