line detection in dot matrixes/images

Lloyd Allison lloyd at cs.monash.edu.au
Mon May 29 21:54:43 EST 1995

rolland at laforia.ibp.fr (ROLLAND Pierre-Yves Equipe de J.-G. Ganascia) writes:


>I am a researcher in Artificial Intelligence currently looking for existing computer programs (or algorithms) able to automatically detect lines or approximate-lines in matrixes; more precisely:

You might find some value in this:

%A M. P. Georgeff
%A C. S. Wallace
%T A general selection criterion for inductive inference
%J European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%P 473-482
%W Pisa
%D 1984
%I Elsevier Science Publishers
%C New York
%O TR 32, CS Monash MAR 83
%X the nature of theories, structural descriptions,
   inference of line segments
   <A HREF="http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tildeMML">LA MML page</A>

Central Inductive Agency,
Dept. of Computer Science, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA
tel: 61 3 905 5205       fax: 61 3 905 5146       email: lloyd at cs.monash.edu.au
<A HREF="http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tildeBIB/">Bibliography</A>

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