e-mail promoter database searching

Emmanuel Skoufos, Ph.D. skoufos at nefeli.imbb.forth.gr
Thu May 25 12:46:23 EST 1995

Dear Netters:

Is there any way of searching the promoter database via an e-mail server?
The GCG package at our site does not contain the above database and I 
can not get remote access.

Thank you,


Emmanuel Skoufos, Ph.D.                          | The opinions and views
Insect Molecular Biology Group                   | presented here are my own
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | and only my own.
Box 1527                                         | --------------------------
Heraklion, Crete 71110                           |skoufos at nefeli.imbb.forth.gr
Greece                                           |skoufos at myia.imbb.forth.gr 
Phone xx-3081-212890       FAX: xx-3081-231308   |ga119 at kanga.ins.cwru.edu

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