Q: "dynamical" programming

Lloyd Allison lloyd at cs.monash.edu.au
Sat May 20 05:05:03 EST 1995

In <steipe-1805951455190001 at inherit.lmb.uni-muenchen.de> steipe at lmb.uni-muenchen.de (Boris Steipe) writes:

>Why is the dynamical programming algorithm called "dynamical" ?
>Is this opposed to some concept of "static" programming and if yes how ?
>Who coined the term ?
>When was it first used ?

This is the earliest ref that I have:
   %A R. E. Bellman
   %T Dynamic Programming.
   %I Princeton University Press.
   %D 1957.
   %K DPA, dynamic programming algorithm, text, book.

Dept. of Computer Science, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA
tel: 61 3 905 5205       fax: 61 3 905 5146       email: lloyd at cs.monash.edu.au
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