New AGIS WWW Server

Gail Juvik gjuvik at nalusda.gov
Thu May 18 09:16:04 EST 1995

The Agricultural Genome Information Servers (WWW and gopher) have been
completely overhauled.

What's New? - Basically everything.  All server software has been
updated and moved to a newer, faster machine.  Data resources have
been updated and new information has been added.  Documentation has
been greatly enhanced.  The organization of the servers has been
changed to make it easier to find the information you are looking
for.  Data formatting is also much improved.

A brief summary of the information you will find on the servers:

Databases include information on: Arabidopsis, common bean and
soybean, Chlamydomonas, cotton, small grains (wheat, barley, etc.), maize,
rice, tomato, potato, pepper, sorghum, forest trees, C. elegans, Mycobacteria,
and human 21 and X.  Also included is Mendel, the database from the Commission
on Plant Gene Nomenclature.

Many links to WWW data resources (e.g. sequence and germplasm databases) have
been added to these databases.

Searching can be done by WAIS, agrep (fuzzy searching), and ACeDB queries.
A full complement of ACeDB documentation.
Electronic newsletter, journals, and other publications including: Plant Genome
I,II, & III meeting abstracts, Weeds World, the Rice Genetics Newsletter,
Report of the Tomato Genetic Cooperative, the National Animal Genome Resources
Program Newsletter, and the announcement for the new peer-reviewed electronic
journal, The Journal of Quantiative Trait Loci.
A Tools section which contains tools not found elsewhere.
Please feel free to come and poke around.  If you haven't visited in 
awhile you might want to check back to see what's new.  The What's New
page will always include any updates/changes to the servers.

To reach these servers:

World Wide Web:  http://probe.nalusda.gov/   [*preferred*]
[NOTE: If you do not have a WWW browser, but have telnet capability,
then you can use our lynx, text-based browser.  Telnet to probe.nalusda.gov
and use the login "lynx" (no quotes) and just hit return at the Password
prompt.  You MUST use vt100 terminal emulation in order to use lynx.  Also,
lynx has been modified so that you can only browse our WWW server along
with a few related servers.]

Gopher: probe.nalusda.gov 

Anonymous Ftp: probe.nalusda.gov

Comments can be sent to feedback at probe.nalusda.gov
Requests for help can be sent to help at probe.nalusda.gov

Genome Informatics Group
USDA, National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Blvd.
Beltsville, MD  20705

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