Polypeptide Visualization

Emmanuel CHIVA chiva at ens.fr
Thu May 18 00:45:23 EST 1995


Please excuse a naive question (I'm not familiar enough with this field):
I'm looking for any software or method that, given a small fictive polypeptide chain 
input (say, PHE-TYR-ALA-ARG-...)  would allow to obtain the corresponding 3D 
conformation file (even approximative), in any of these formats: Alchemy, xyz, PDB, 
CHEMLAB-II, MOPAC or MOLSIM (all these formats being compatible with Xmol).

Thank you in advance for your help,



  Ecole Normale Superieure      |          Emmanuel M. Chiva	         |
  Departement de Biologie       |     	                                 |
  Groupe de BioInformatique     |          Tel:  + 33 1 44323635         |
  46, rue d'Ulm                 |          Fax:  + 33 1 44323901         |
  75230 Paris cedex 05 France   |	   email: chiva at wotan.ens.fr     |

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