barbesmg at ERE.UMontreal.CA (Barbes-Morin Guillaume) writes:
>I am actually looking for software that could potentially be used in
>teaching different aspects of microbiology to undergraduated university
>I am interrested in fields as diverse as immunology, bacteriology,
>microbial genetics, molecular genetics, classification of microorganism,
>molecular biology, etc.
>As the department is in a french speaking university, I would prefer
>anything in french but as it is in North-America, we can do just as good
>with english softs.
>We want to explore the possibilities so that the department can
>eventually use this tool in teaching.
>Any idea, suggestion, offer, shareware, freeware, commercial, ibm,
>windows, os2, mac, unix is welcome.
HyperCELL is a package for either Mac or Windows that does this. It
is updated yearly, and costs $1000 US initially and $500 per year
thereafter. They sent me a brochure today!
You can get a demonstration kit from:
Garland Publishing,
1000A Sherman Avenue,
CT 06514
Tel 203-281-4487
Fax 203-230-1186
Orders 800-627-6273