Brookhaven files for RasMol?

Giancarlo Giancarlo
Thu May 11 08:44:07 EST 1995

In article <3onl7n$dth at decaxp.harvard.edu>, robison at mito.harvard.edu (Keith 
Robison) writes:

>9007067 at sunvax.sun.ac.za wrote:
>: Hi people
>: Does anyone know how to get hold of Brookhaven's data files for proteins 
>: I know that they are available via anon FTP, but need the site.
>: The WWW site (if it exists) might also be helpful
>Try http://golgi.harvard.edu/htbin/biopages?pdb|mime
>to find a number of sites with PDB-related services, and the PDB itself.
>If you configure your WWW browser to pass
>robison at mito.harvard.edu

Sorry to but in. I've just checked the Brookhaven Protein Data BAnk page on the 
Web. The URL goes as follows: http://www.pdb.bnl.gov. It uses PDBBrowse, 
developed by David Stamp, Clifford Felder and Joe Sussman (Nature 
374(6522):572-574), a series of Perl script which seem to do a very good job as 
search engines front ended by an exaustive query form. Rasmol viewers for 
various platforms seem to be downloadable from there too.

Giancarlo Contrafatto
Biology Department
University of Natal Durban
South Africa

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