klucking at aki.ku.dk (Karl Lcking) writes:
>Hello out there?
>I have read about the raswin (rasmon?) software, but where to get it?
>Have tried ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk and altough I can ping them, they will not
>answer attempt to login. Where else to get the software?
>Thanks in advance!
Try ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk in the /pub/rasmol subdirectory (this is where I
procured Raswin 2.5 according to my notes).
Good luck, it's a good program (though I wish there was some way to do a
clear background :-).
Eric Larson | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
USDA/Agronomy | 190 PABL; 1201 W. Gregory; Urbana, IL 61801
elarson at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu | Voice 217.244.3079 Fax 217.244.4419
Fidonet: 1:233/4.1 | My opinions are my own, but correct :-)