Brookhaven files for RasMol?

Keith Robison robison at mito.harvard.edu
Tue May 9 06:55:35 EST 1995

9007067 at sunvax.sun.ac.za wrote:
: Hi people
: Does anyone know how to get hold of Brookhaven's data files for proteins etc.
: I know that they are available via anon FTP, but need the site.
: The WWW site (if it exists) might also be helpful

Try http://golgi.harvard.edu/htbin/biopages?pdb|mime

to find a number of sites with PDB-related services, and the PDB itself.

If you configure your WWW browser to pass 


to RasMol, then the PDB Browser will throw you straight into RasMol
(On Netscape, its under preferences -- helper applications), as will
some other sites (such as when going from a SwissProt file on
ExPASy to PDB http://expasy.hcuge.ch/ ).  There should be more info
on this under "Chemical MIME" via the first URL.


Keith Robison
Harvard University
Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology
Department of Genetics / HHMI

robison at mito.harvard.edu 

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