Best PC/Windows Usenet Newsreader??

Anderas Becker becker at ps1515.chemie.uni-marburg.de
Fri May 5 15:57:44 EST 1995

In article <SANDY.95May4163840 at icr.pt.cyanamid.COM>, sandy at icr.pt.cyanamid.COM (Sandy Silverman) says:
>We may go TCP/IP soon so I wonder if you can recommend a Windows-based
>newsreader (currently running gnu/emacs on server)
>Sanford Silverman                      >Opinions expressed here are my own<
>American Cyanamid  
>silvermans at pt.cyanamid.com                      "Yeast is Best"

WinVN or TrumpetNewsReader are quiet good.
Look in a CICA mirror under winsocket und you will find a lot of newsreader.
Have fun with it


Andreas Becker
Arbeitskreis Prof. Kadenbach, FB Chemie/Biochemie, Hans-
Meerwein-Strasse, Philipps-Universitaet, 35043 Marburg, Germany
Phone: privat +49 6421 47304  Labor +49 6421 28 -5721 Fax -2191
eMail: BECKER at ps1515.Chemie.Uni-Marburg.De

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