Linkage mapping software needed

Mary Spaeth m_spaeth at nwu.edu
Wed May 3 10:37:57 EST 1995

In article <ldcheu-2704950009010001 at ldcheu.monsanto.com>, ldcheu at ccmail.monsanto.com (Duncan Cheung) says:
>We are interested in a computational molecular biologist to design and
>implement a computer program (Mac friendly) that will allow the input of
>Southern results from genomic DNA to determine copy number and insert
>integrity of complicated insertion events from a transgenic event (eg.,
>the genes were inserted into genomic DNA using plasmid DNA). 
>The ideal system will allow for the input of the known plasmid map with
>known restriction sites and characterized genes as well as the Southern
>results.  The output (what the computer will produce) is a linkage map
>that elucidates possible gene order and integrity (missing or rearranged

Contact Jim Currie at the Evanston Business and Technology Center in the Northwestern University/Evanston Research Park.
He will connect you with one of 40 software technology (biotech) firms in the Park. 708-866-1805.

Mary Spaeth
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.   USA
m_spaeth at nwu.edu

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