S p e c i a l M e e t i n g A n n o u n c e m e n t
(This announcement has been posted to several newsgroups. Please
excuse any unintended duplication.)
12th International Conference and Exposition on
Defect Prevention
June 12-15, 1995
Crystal Gateway Marriott * Washington, D.C.
* International speakers
* Presentations of current best defect prevention practices
* Presentations based on the experience of actual testing
* Opportunities to share lessons and experiences with your
* Exposition of products and services
Boris Beizer * Dorothy Graham * Tom Gilb * Robert Mays
The Twelfth International Conference on Testing Computer Software will
provide an opportunity for participants to discuss software testing
issues, exchange current experiences and take a look at how others have
attempted to solve common (and some not-so-common) testing problems. The
conference will provide a variety of ways to participate, from the
presentation of technical papers and tutorials, through informal
birds-of-a-feather sessions, to tool exhibits and demonstrations. You will
be able to exchange knowledge and ideas with people from a wide variety of
environments and locations including those from industry, academia, and
government from the United States and abroad.
Conference tracks will address topics concerning the management of
software testing, the application of a variety of software testing
techniques, test automation and tools, and a few topics that attempt to
introduce some more advanced ideas.
This conference will provide essential information to all who are
involved with or have an interest in software testing. This includes not
only practitioners but managers and researchers as well.
Featuring sessions on technology applications and management issues:
Full day workshops:
* Foundations of Software Testing Techniques
* Software Inspection and the Defect Prevention Process
* Risk Assessment in Software Projects
* Hands-On Windows(TM) GUI Testing & Test Automation
* Practical Test Automation
Over 30 plenary and parallel sessions, organized into tracks:
* Practices
* Object Oriented Systems
* Management
* Techniques
* Shrink-wrap Software
* Advanced Topics
In cooperation with
American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) - Software Division
Software Technology Support Center (STSC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Conference management by:
U.S. Professional Development Institute
For complete program and registration information please contact:
Phone: 301/445-4400
Fax: 301/445-5722
E-mail: uspdi at clark.net (Subject: Testing Conference)
Regular Mail: USPDI, 1738 Elton Road, Suite 304; Silver Spring,
MD 20903-1725, USA