Mac vrs. Pentium

Peter Lundberg peterl at umdix.umdc.umu.se
Wed Feb 15 07:19:57 EST 1995

In article <3hrdlr$cu3 at bruce.uncg.edu>
kirchoff at goodall.uncg.edu (Bruce K. Kirchoff) writes:

>         I am in the market for a new computer.  As a long time IBM clone
> user I am hesitant to switch to Mac, but I want to consider all alternatives.

I would go for Mac... but then I'm partial (=a user).

73, Peter

O==O ================================== O==O
O==O Peter Lundberg                     O==O
O==O Email: peterl at umdix.umdc.umu.se    O==O
O==O ============761.91141============= O==O

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