In article <3hcpbg$a4i at>, nce at (Nigel Eastmond) writes:
> Hi. Does anyone know the current list of word processors supported by the
> current version of Endnote Plus for Mac? I have finally had it with
> bulky, monolithic Microsoft software and wish to ditch Word 5.1 before
> I have to upgrade to the infeasibly slow 6.0. Claris stuff is neat and
> quick and I know that MacWrite II is supported by Endnote+ 2.0. However,
> Claris Works is not - but then there is a new version of Endnote out
> and I was wondering what WP's Endnote can format in it's current incarnation.
> Also Macwrite II is no more. It's MacWrite Pro now. I like Works, though,
> and want to use it. Can anyone help?
>> Nigel. C. Eastmond.
>> PS. I reckoned that since it is for biomedical paper formatting it is
> legitimate to discuss it here.
>> o------------------------------oOo------------------------------o
> | Nigel C. Eastmond | Email nce at |
> | Rowett Research Institute | Tel +44 244 712751 |
> | Aberdeen | Fax +44 244 715349 |
> | Scotland | |
> |---------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Opinions are my own and not those of my organization |
> o------------------------------oOo------------------------------o
> sorry I lost the quote ... any way, here is what I know of ...
With the exception of Word5.x, EndNotePlus (EN+) works in 2-apps mode
for many wordprocessors, that is, if you have got the version 2.0.
To be more specific, you have to launch EN+ and the wordprocessor at
the same time to enter the citations into your document. This is what
I called 2-apps mode. If you happen to be using Word 5.x, then there
is an EN+PlugInModule which can be run inside word. If you use that,
you do not have to, and you should not, launch EN+ when you are making
entries into the document.
After you finished entering citations, you should save the file and close
it. Then you can use EN+ to "scan" it and "format" it. You can always
"deformat" it and reformat it under a different style.
If you are using the Word Module, you can do the formatting while you
are still "in" Word (in the single-app mode).
The module for Word6.x is supposedly to be arriving soon according to
the Niles Ass., Inc.
We have used EN+ mostly in the Word module mode in the past. Some work
is done in the 2-app mode with WordPerfect recently.
What do you mean a new version is coming out? I thought the 2.0 is the
new version.
If Claris Works (CW)is not supported, can you save document in
MacWriteII (MW) format in CW? If yes, there you go! You can format
that file with EN+.
According to the manual, EN+ supports: Word3-5.1a, WP 1-3.0, MWII, FrameMaker
3-4.0 MIF format, RTF, Nisus 3.0-3.4, WriteNow 1.0-4.0, MWPro 1.0-1.5, MW5.0,
and PlainText.
Another idea is to use RTF (Rich Text Format), which I think CW should support.
Correct me if I am wrong.
-- Jie
-- Jie Yuan -- Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics -- U. Cincinnati --
== Phone: 513-558-2352 == Fax: x-1169 == Email: jie.yuan at ==
== Mail: ML 0575, 231 Bethesda Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575 ==