We are looking for the ideal data acquisition system for use with
a Newton-like machine.
Our vision is of a piece of software that is like a data base manager or
a spread sheet in which each field (column) can be associated with a particular
device from which data will be collected. As the user enters data, the
device from which the data are gathered is activated, and once a datum is
received, the field is filled and the program moves on to the next field.
For example, we are interested in measuring body mass and other morphological
features of lizards using an electronic scale and electronic calipers. The
lizards are housed in bar-coded boxes. What we would like to be able to do
when entering data is have the bar-code reader activated, shoot it at the
box, then have the scale activated and push a weigh button to record the
weight; activate the calipers for a series of measurements; and finally
write some notes using the pen.
Actually, we have a number of applications in mind that differ in the
types of data, devices and order in which data would be collected.
Does anyone know of software with these capabilities? If not, I think that
there is a market for it.
Dick Repasky