I am posting this on behalf of a colleague who has the funds
to buy a new Mac/PowerMac for use in group studying the phylogeny
and taxonomy of various insect species.
The question is -- should he buy a Mac or a PowerMac?
The ability to run PAUP at a reasonable speed is a high priority,
and I realise that software which requires an FPU will not run
under emulation on a PowerMac. So, is there a native version of
PAUP available, and if not, is one in the works? Similarly with
MacClade, though this won't be used as much.
Has anyone had any experience of running these packages on a PowerMac?
If so, please post or mail.
Many thanks
Simon Fraser NERC Centre for Population Biology
s.fraser at ic.ac.uk Imperial College at Silwood Park
s.fraser at ite.ac.uk Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7PY. UK