IntelliGenetics bought out by Oxford Molecular

Vernon Keenan vern at BioData.COM
Sun Aug 28 22:26:59 EST 1994

I don't have the details, but the Mountain View, CA firm IntelliGenetics
has been purchased by the British firm Oxford Molecular. This was reported
last week in BioWorld (the daily fax report). Oxford recently went public
in the UK with a US$30M IPO, and it looks like they're spending that

This should be an interesting next few months to see how Oxford will deal
with GeneWorks and IG Suite support and sales.


| Vernon Keenan                 | BioData, Inc.                     |
| President                     | 1828 South Grant Street Suite 820 |
| Phone: +1 415-513-8950        | San Mateo, California 94402       |
| E-Mail: vern at BioData.COM      | WWW: http://www.biodata.com/      |

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