Win32s problems

Dr R. Dalgleish ray at leicester.ac.uk
Fri Aug 26 08:24:37 EST 1994

> Newsgroups: bionet.software
> In-Reply-To: <33k9pe$q4q at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>
> Organization: School of Biological Sciences, University of Bath, UK
> In article <33k9pe$q4q at mserv1.dl.ac.uk> you write:
> >In order to run the latest version of Mosaic (a 32 bit application), it
> >is necessary to load the Microsoft Win32s extensions. This worked fine
> >on a trusty old IBM 55SX 16Mhz 80386SX but I'm having trouble with my
> >new IBM clone 80486DX2-66 machine. The install procedure produced no
> >error messages so everything seemed fine. However, the Freecell game which
> >Microsoft provides as a way to test the system does not run and locks up
> >the system. Otherwise, windows seems to work okay. Until I sort this out
> >I will be unable to run Mosaic.
> >
> >Can anybody suggest a cure?
> You could try WinWeb instead.  It looks similar to Mosaic
> and was as fast.  I didn't try and crash it, but it didn't
> fall over when I was playing with it.
> -- 
> Read the rec.autos.sport list of                Andrew Henry
> Frequently Asked Questions v1.1 at:          A.H.Henry at bath.ac.uk    
> http://www.bath.ac.uk/~bspahh/rasfaq.html   University of Bath, UK
> ftp://mgu.bath.ac.uk/pub/rec.autos.sport        Sempre Gilles
Somebody locally was able to sort out the problem for me. It seems that
Microsoft (in their wisdom) have written the Win32s extensions so that
they only work with the Microsoft VGA or SVGA video drivers for Windows.
I had been using an S3 specific driver and that interferes with Win32s.
I do not know if the Microsoft SVGA256 driver works with Win32s as it
does not work with the S3 card and so I was unable to test the combination.
Perhaps somebody else can answer that one.


Raymond Dalgleish

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