
Ron Beloin R.Beloin at cornell.edu
Mon Aug 22 13:55:26 EST 1994

> On 10 Aug 1994 07:19:22 GMT, 
> Rob Wiltshire  <Rob.Wiltshire at plant.utas.edu.au> wrote:
> >Hi, I need some help finding some interactive software (hopefully on a Mac
> >platform) to provide first year undergraduates with some tutorial
> >assistance.  If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear from you. 
> >Cheers.

Also call Intellimation 1-800-3-INTELL for their catalog.

Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors of a genetics program in that catalog,
but there's lots of stuff in there.

Ron Beloin (R.Beloin at cornell.edu)
[who works, but doesn't speak, for the]
Boyce Thompson Inst.
Ithaca, NY

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