IMAGE for mac

guest gest
Thu Aug 18 05:00:08 EST 1994

In article <32sto1$e4g at darkstar.UCSC.EDU>, moconnel at cats.ucsc.edu (Michael
Gerard Oconnell) wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am wondering if anyone has used NIH Image and could give me a few
> pointers as to how some macro functions work.
Read the manual; there are lots of examples. If you are on internet, you
can ftp to zippy.nimh.nih.gov and find lots of macros, plus inside image,
and the manual.
There are many users; they are gathered in a mailing list
(nih-image at soils.umn.edu for questions; not for subscriptions) that appears
once or twice a _day_
> In particular the circularity
> function is of interest to me but I can't get results that make any sense.
> I am gathering data on shell shape of mussels for discriminate analysis and
> I think a measure of circularity of my images would be useful.  

If you state your problem clear to the list, you may receive many userfull
Ard (a337ard at horus.sara.nl)

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