New Blocks Database and Web server

Steve Henikoff steveh at HOWARD.FHCRC.ORG
Wed Aug 17 16:11:37 EST 1994

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       | | **********|           |***********|           |********** | |
       | | * BLOCKS  |           |   E-MAIL  |           |SEARCHER * | |
       | | **********|           |***********|           |********** | |
                     |\ __________\         /__________ /|
                     | |           |       |           | |
                     | |   Fred    |       |  Research | |
                     | | Hutchinson|       |   Center  | |
                     | |  Cancer   |       |    1994   | |
                      \|___________|       |___________|/

We are pleased to announce that Blocks v. 8.0 is available for searching. 
This version is based on Prosite v. 12.0 which is keyed to Swiss-Prot 29. The 
new database consists of 2884 blocks representing 770 protein groups. Homology
searches and block retrievals are carried out either by e-mail or by using 
Bill Alford's new Web server at http://www.blocks.fhcrc.org. Mosaic 2.x users
now can search the Blocks Database, retrieve blocks and Prosite information 
or run Block Maker using the Web, with hypertext links from search results to 
Swiss-Prot, EMBL/GenBank and Medline via the ExPASy Web server in Geneva. For 
e-mail users, the current help file is available from blocks at howard.fhcrc.org 
by sending the word 'help' in the subject line. To search a protein (or DNA) 
sequence, send it in a standard format to the same address. Individual blocks 
and the corresponding Prosite entries are available using the 'get' utility 
or by keyword browsing using the gopher host, gopher.fhcrc.org. The full 
database may be obtained by anonymous ftp from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in the 
repository/blocks/unix directory.

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