In article <32bn77$t3r at>, varela at says:
>>I apoligize if this is a FAQ. I made a Blast search, the results of
>which we are about to publish. Naturally I would like to give credit to
>those who wrote the program, etc. So my question is: what is the
>reference I should use? Is there in fact a paper to cite?
>>Also, since I've lost my documentation about Blast (which is why I'm
>asking these questions), how can I retrieve any documentation about it?
>Gophering around didn't work.
>>Thanks in advance!!!
>Manuel F. Varela, PhD Student Internet: mvarela at>Cell Biology Department varela at>Cancer Research and Treatment Center
>UNM School of Medicine Bitnet: mvarela at medusa>Albuquerque, NM 87131 varela at bootes>----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Try send a Email to blast at with no sub. and only the word
help in the body of the message. The server will send you a manual.
Uwe Rossbach at 22473mgr at