
David L. Haviland, Ph.D. HAVILAND at KIDS.WUSTL.EDU
Wed Aug 3 15:51:22 EST 1994

In <315b8a$13v at alf.uib.no> mblgj at alf.uib.no writes:

> Is the Macintosh version of Papyrus released?
> --
> Geir Johannessen		* Phone : + 47 55 54 45 29
> Laboratory for biotechnology	* Fax   : + 47 55 31 49 52
> University of Bergen		* E-mail:mblgj at alf.uib.no
> Norway				*

Having just e-mailed Dave Goldman on that very subject, his response is 
'yes'.  A Mac version of Papyrus is currently under development and if he 
is on schedule, a beta-version should be tested shortly.  Dave was 
predicting a late fall release of a papyrus mac version.  After the mac 
version, next on the slate is a Windoze version with an unknown release 

hope this helps,

p.s. no afilliation with RSD, wish there were, but just a rabid Papyrus 
+  David L. Haviland, Ph.D.	     Internet:"haviland at kids.wustl.edu"   +
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