Previous message:
Fellow netters, I'm trying to track down the name of a company
which manufactures a device called a "DNA parrot". This is simply
a five-button mouse and software to enter DNA sequences from an
autoradiogram. Unfortunately, I can't seem to unearth the ad.
Can somebody post some info regarding this? Other companies also
sell something like this, and that would be just as good.
Yannick Pouliot
Montreal Neurological Institute
DNA Parrot is a product of T & t Research. Their address is 44 George
Street, Etobicoke, Ontario Canada M8V 2S2. The phone number that I have is
416-252-4789. As was mentioned, the device consists of a Mac or IBM program
for entering sequence data from autorads using a 5 button mouse. Personally,
I find the system simple to use and considerably less expensive than the
fancy gel readers out on the market. One does get comfortable with the mouse
and is able to enter sequences rapidly.
Hope this helps.
Keith A Johnson
Department of Biochemistry
Dartmouth Medical School
Hanover, NH USA