
Denis Tang DTANG at UDESVM.bitnet
Wed Mar 4 10:26:30 EST 1992

                                          Sherbrooke, 4 mars 1992

          Bonjour a tous!

     Peter Erhard asked about "all kinds of software concerning
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", my question is: is there a specific
software corresponding to the FID analysis programs that can be
perform on the Bruker machine itself.  I might be wrong but I
believe there are "two" sets of programs corresponding to the
acquisition of the FID and to its analysis.  It would be nice if
these analysis softwares could be found for IBM PS/2 since one can
then take its FID and analyse it on his own computer without using
the main computer on the NMR machine wich become available for
another user...  What would be ideal is a sofware that uses the
same presentation than the softwares used with the Bruker machine.
I know there are at least two programs (I don't remember their
names) that can perform FID analysis on IBM PC but they are very
expensive $$$ and out of reach for students.

                           Merci a l'avance,

                           Denis Tang
                           Dtang at udesvm or Dtang at vm1.si.usherb.ca

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