EPD files

Stephen Klautky agoodrid at vaxa.weeg.uiowa.edu
Thu Mar 5 23:55:00 EST 1992

I was one of the original posters who asked about reformatting the
epd29.seq file (in FASTA format) to a format readable by GCG to do
FASTA searches.  This file was obtained from ftp.bio.indiana.edu.

Someone replied (Dan Jacobson I believe) that I could use Don Gilbert's
READSEQ format conversion program to make the change.  I downloaded
READSEQ (also from ftp.bio.indiana.edu) and tried it on our VAX with
epd29.seq.  It functioned as advertised.  One obtains GCG sequence
files that can be manipulated as any other created by GCG.

-=] Stephen Klautky [=-           AGOODRID at VAXA.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU

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