
Tony Travis ajt at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Mar 6 20:17:57 EST 1992

cammer at aecom.yu.edu (Michael Cammer) writes:
: I was originally going to wait out the storm, but I've gotten tons of
: requests about what to do in the face of impending doom.  Other than set
: the computer clocks to arbitrary non-March 6, 1992 dates, do you have
: any suggestions what to do to protect 80--- based computers if, in fact,
: this virus isn't a figment of our collective imaginations?

The latest version of the McAffee Virus Scan (shareware) detects and
eradicates Micaelangelo.  The version I have seen most recently here
is version 86.  I've scanned my disks ...


    Tony Travis <ajt at uk.ac.sari.rri>  | Dr. A.J.Travis 
                                      | Rowett Research Institute,
                                      | Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen,
                                      | AB2 9SB. UK. tel 0224-712751

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