A request just appeared on my desk to give an update of what is going on
with the BIOSCI WAIS server. I am working on the problem, but between a
trip to EMBL last week and installing our new MasPar this week (plus my usual
work), I haven't been able to work on waisindex. I should be able to start
work on it again Thursday.
For all of you who have been waiting, thank you for your patience...
| Kenton A. Hoover | |
| BIOSCI Network Administrator (bionet newsgroups) | shibumi at presto.ig.com |
| GenBank/IntelliGenetics, Inc. 415 962 7300 | shibumi at genbank.bio.net |
| "Honor is not about when its easy. Honor is about when its hard." |
| "Promised Land", Robert Parker |