SeqApp, multiple sequence editor for Macintosh

Don Gilbert gilbertd at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu
Wed Mar 25 10:43:42 EST 1992

SeqApp is a biological sequence editor and analysis program for
Macintosh computers.  It includes links to network services and 
external analysis programs.

*** NOTICE:  This is an early, unfinished version of the program.  
Expect it to fail in various ways.  This release is made available
to those who wish to test and comment on its future development.
This release will expire on a date indicated in the About dialog.

SeqApp is being written by Don Gilbert, using the MacApp 
extensible Macintosh programming framework from Apple Computer.

                                              25 Mar 92
First release to general public.  Internet Gopher methods have been
added and future SeqApp updates may be obtained directly thru this
part of the program.

You may now obtain updates of this release thru anonymous ftp to 
ftp.bio.indiana.edu, in folder /molbio/seqapp, as seqapp.hqx. 
You may also obtain updates directly thru an internet-connected
Mac with SeqApp, using Gopher to the IUBio archive.  Look for
a folder called "IUBio Software+Data/SeqApp, Mac sequence editor".

This release of SeqApp will not work properly, due to bugs, on Mac SE 
(& by inference Mac Plus, Mac Classic).  It will work on Mac SE/30, 
Mac II, Mac IIci, Mac Quadra & other Mac II models.

A Gopher-only program called GopherApp (silly name), which is a subset 
of SeqApp, can be found thru the ftp archive in /util/gopher/gopherapp
as gopherapp.hqx, or thru Gopher in "IUBio Software+Data/"
as "GopherApp, Mac Gopher client". This GopherApp does work on Mac SE 
class machines.  

Comments, bug reports and suggestions for new features
may be addressed via e-mail to

	     SeqApp at Bio.Indiana.Edu

                                             -- Don Gilbert
Don Gilbert                                     gilbert at bio.indiana.edu
biocomputing office, biology dept., indiana univ., bloomington, in 47405

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