
Wed Jun 17 08:59:36 EST 1992

Dear Friends

We are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of our
journal, "International Journal of Genome Research (IJGR)".  
Complimentary copies of the journal and detailed instructions on the
preparation of articles are available upon request.

This journal aims to publish review articles, research papers and short 
communications on genomic research, covering sequencing, computational 
approaches and mappings.  COLOR figures are acceptable.

We would like to invite you to submit your research papers to the journal.  
All articles will be refereed to ensure quality.  There will be 6 issues 
in a year.  The turnaround time for reviewing articles will be about 4 to 
6 weeks.  Upon acceptance, we plan to publish the article within 2 to 3 

Papers are to be submitted in triplicate (with at least one set of original
figures, including COLOR figures) to our editorial office at:

	World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc.
        1060 Main Street
	River Edge  NJ 07661
	Tel:      (201) 487 9655
	Fax:      (201) 487 9656
        Internet: wspc at scri.fsu.edu

To expedite publication, you are encouraged to also send an electronic copy 
of your manuscript in a diskette.
Thank you.  We look forward to your support of our journal.

With best wishes.


		                P.H. Tham (Miss)
				Editor, (World Scientific)

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