2nd CFV: sci.image.processing

John Stanley stanley at oce.orst.edu
Wed Jun 24 15:17:04 EST 1992

[ This message is being reposted because the original was cancelled soon
  after it first appeared. --tale ]

This is the second CFV for the group sci.image.processing. Since the
vote software issues automatic ack's, and the list of voters so far is
[a real big number] in size, no mid vote ack will be issued.

NAME:    sci.image.processing

STATUS:  Unmoderated

One line description for the List of Active Newsgroups:

sci.image.processing	Scientific image processing and analysis


sci.image.processing provides a forum for discussion of the scientific
uses of image processing and analysis.  Discussions of algorithms
and application programs are appropriate, with emphasis on solving real
world image processing problems.  Discussions of computer graphics,
visualization, output, window systems, communications, etc. are not
appropriate.  Posting of images is strongly discouraged.  Images should
be posted to alt.binaries.pictures.misc, or made available for FTP.

This group will take a broad definition of the term image processing.
Most topics related to the formation and analysis of images
are appropriate so long as a more focused newsgroup does not exist.  
This presently excludes topics such as computer vision (comp.ai.vision)
and image compression per se (comp.compression), but not topics such
as image detectors or calibration of imaging equipment.  Obviously, 
topics such as the impact of lossy image compression on image processing 
algorithms or the use of AI to analyze scientific images are not excluded.

One purpose is to develop and maintain Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
articles on the subject.  Another is to provide a forum where 
experimentalists learn about image processing algorithms while computer 
scientists hear about the uses to which generic algorithms are put, or 
the requirements of  a specific application.  Both will discuss what can
and cannot be done to improve image quality before and during processing.

The "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing" gives a list of topics 
which they consider appropriate for that journal.  Some of those 
topics are also appropriate here:

Image Processing
  Coding                           Filtering           Enhancement
  Restoration                      Segmentation       
  Multiresolution Processing       Multispectral Processing  
  Image Representation             Image Analysis
  Interpolation and Spatial Transformations
  Motion Detection and Estimation  Image Sequence Processing
  Video Signal Processing          Noise Modeling
  Architectures and Software
Computed Imaging
  Acoustic Imaging                 Radar Imaging        Tomography
  Magnetic Resonance Imaging       Geophysical and Seismic Imaging
	 Radio Astronomy                	  Speckle Imaging
	 Computer Holography              	Confocal Microscopy
 	Electron Microscopy              	X-ray Crystallography
	 Coded-Aperture Imaging           	Real-Aperture Arrays


While some existing newsgroups carry traffic related to image processing,
there are many aspects to scientific imaging and no newsgroup addresses
more than a few of them.  Image processing is usually carried out by 
software, but many questions appropriate to this group have little or 
nothing to do with software.

By placing the group in the sci.* hierarchy, it should be clear to
new users that the the group is not limited to software or algorithms.
This placement also allows for the future discussion of a sci.image.* 
hierarchy with minimal upheaval.

An unmoderated group is needed to permit rapid responses to queries.
A focused, medium noise group is needed in order to attract and retain 
the readership which is essential to obtaining knowledgeable answers.


Do not post your vote, it will not be counted. The reply-to address of
this posting should point to the correct place, but double check your
mail before sending to make sure.

To cast a vote, send mail to

   "mail-server at pit-manager.mit.edu"

with ONE of the following strings (you don't need the quotes)

   "vote sci.image.processing yes"
   "vote sci.image.processing no"

on a line by itself in the subject field or body of the message, where

"yes" means that you DO     want sci.image.processing created.
"no"  means that you DO NOT want sci.image.processing created.

* The deadline is 11:59:59 PM Tue 30-Jun-1992, EDT (GMT - 4).
* The mail server will reply within two hours confirming your vote.
  If no confirmation is received (allowing for normal E-mail round
  trip time), you may inquire at postmaster at pit-manager.mit.edu to 
  verify that the vote was received.
* If your mail message contains a signature, then be sure to put the
  string "quit" before it to prevent the mail server from being confused.
* DO NOT mail votes to John Stanley <stanley at oce.orst.edu>
* DO NOT mail votes to jik at mit.edu.
* DO NOT include any message in your vote (it won't be read).
* Offically, the vote is being run by John Stanley <stanley at oce.orst.edu>
  However, the collection and automation of the vote taking process is
  kindly being performed by Jonathan Kamens (jik at mit.edu).

Note: due to limitations on the length of Newsgroups: lines in news
software, this CFV is being posted three times. The first posting will
be to the groups shown in the header of this posting, which will include
news.announce.newgroups and news.groups.

As soon as the CFV appears in news.announce.newsgroups, it will be posted
to the following additional groups:

     sci.astro,   sci.bio,    sci.math,   sci.med,   sci.research,
     sci.space,   sci.geo.geology,        sci.geo.meteorology, 
     sci.geo.fluids,          comp.infosystems.gis,  bionet.general,
     comp.graphics.avs,       comp.soft-sys.khoros

In addition, the CFV will be posted indivudually to the following moderated

  bionet.announce		biosci-announce-moderator at genbank.bio.net
  bionet.biology.computational	comp-bio-moderator at genbank.bio.net
  comp.ai.vision		vision-list at ads.com
  comp.graphics.research	graphics at scri1.scri.fsu.edu

This division is solely to bypass the limitations of line length in some
versions of news software.

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